
Saturday, October 8, 2011

7 Amazing Concept Buildings Built Failing

The concepts of this building is a little strange but it has its own uniqueness. But the concept of this building failed to be realized. Here's 7 Amazing Concept Buildings Built Failing, namely:

1. Hotel Attraction Designed In the Year 1908 In New York City

Hotel Attraction wants to be the tallest building in New York at the time. Designed by Antoni Gaudi, tinggilnya is 360 meters, and it seems very unlikely at that time. Few facts are known about this project until the year 1956, a book titled "The New World Called Gaudi" was published. It is unclear why the project was terminated.

2. Illinois Designed By The Year 1956 In Chicago Illinois

The Illinois was going to be a 1609-meter-high skyscraper is envisioned by Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright believes that this building might be made, at that time. Its design consists of 528 levels, with an area of ​​18.46 square feet of gross area. The problem that arises is the space needed to establish the lack of skyscrapers, and a limited lift (elevator) required. That's what ultimately derail this project.

3. Fourth Grace Designed in 2002 in Liverpool England 

Although many people assume that the Fourth Grace is the worst proposal, architect Will Alsop's award-winning design for the project which he named "The Cloud" is. The project was terminated due to funding problems that exploded to build a costly spiral design. Fourth Grace was designed for offices, 107 hotel rooms and 50,000 sq. ft. of amenities including bars, restaurants, and galleries.

4. Beacon of Progress Designed In the Year 1891 In Chicago Illinois

The plan is a 457-meter-high stone tower in Jackson Park, Chicago. This award-winning design proposed by MIT Professor Désiré Despradelle, a Frenchman. With more financial backing, this building could be the tallest man-made structure in the world at that time.

5. Ville Contemporaine Designed in 1922 in Paris France

The Ville Contemporaine was going to be a place to stay for 3 million inhabitants. Ville was put forward by the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier. The middle of this building is a group of skyscrapers planned for 60 levels are built with steel and metal encased by glass walls. Used for offices and apartments. It is unclear why the project was terminated.

6. Tatlin's Tower Designed By Year 1917 At St.. Petersburg Russia

Tatlin's Tower if so constructed, will create a mini Eiffel Tower impressed. The plan, the building is made of iron, glass, and steel. This tower was going to be a symbol of modernity. The main forms of this tower is a twin helix which rose in spirals up to 400m high, which could orang2 transported upward, through this route.

7. Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid Designed In 2004 In Tokyo Japan

The Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid is a giant man-made pyramid in Tokyo Bay, Japan. The structure was 12 times higher than the Pyramids of Giza, and able to accommodate 750,000 people. That would be the result of building the greatest man in history. This pyramid was actually built with 55 smaller pyramids stacked and each other. This small pyramid masing2 magnitude comparable to the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. The reason this project can not be built is because the mega-pyramid design of advanced materials this will depend on the light but very strong, which at that time still exist.