
Friday, October 7, 2011

7 Hackers Penetrate Security Engineering A Website

Here are 7 techniques Hackers Penetrate Security A Website, namely:

1. IP Spoofing
IP spoofing is also known as the Source Address Spoofing, namely forgery attacker's IP address so the IP address of the attacker considers the target is the IP address of the host in the network rather than from outside the network. Suppose the attacker has a type A 66.25.xx.xx IP address when the attackers do this type of attack the network that attacked the attacker will assume the IP is part of networknya 192.xx.xx.xx eg, IP type C.

IP spoofing occurs when an attacker? Outsmart? packet routing to change the direction of data or transmission to different destinations. Packet routing is usually transmitted in a transparent and clear so as to make easy for an attacker to modify the data origin or destination of data. This technique is not only used by the attacker but also used by security professionals to download tracing the identity of the attacker

2. Attack FTP
One of the attacks carried out against the File Transfer Protocol is a buffer overflow attack caused by malformed command. destination FTP server to attack this average is to get a command shell or to perform Denial of Service. Denial Of Service attacks may eventually lead to a user or attacker to retrieve the resource in the network without authorization, while the command shell can make an attacker gain access to the server system and data files that eventually an anonymous attacker could create a root-acces who have the right a full range of network that attacked the system even

3. Finger Unix Exploits
In the early days of Internet, Unix OS finger efficient utility used to download information sharing among users. Due to demand information on the information this finger does not blame the rules, many system administrators leave this utility (finger) with a very minimal security, even with no security at all. For an attacker is invaluable utility for information on footprinting, including login names and contact information.

This utility also provides excellent information about user activity within the system, how long a user is in the system and how much users care system. Information generated from this finger can minimize Kracker efforts in penetrating a system. Personal information about users who raised the finger daemon is already enough for a atacker to do social engineering by using social skillnya order to utilize user? Tell? passwords and access codes to the system.

4. Flooding & Broadcasting
An attacker could menguarangi speed networks and hosts that are in it significantly by continuing to perform request / demand for an information from servers that can handle the classic attacks Denial of Service (Dos), send a request to a port called excessive flooding, sometimes this is also called spraying. The purpose of this second attack is the same that make network resources that provide information to be weak and eventually gave up.

Flooding Attacks by way depends on two factors: the size and / or volume (size and / or volume). An attacker can cause Denial Of Service by throwing large capacity files or large volumes of small packets to a system. In such circumstances the network server will face congestion: too much information requested and not enough power to push the data to run. Basically a large package which requires greater processing capacity, but it is not normal and the same small package in a large volume of resources will be spent in vain, and the resulting congestion

5. Fragmented Packet Attacks
Internet data is transmitted via TCP / IP can be further divided into packages that contain only the first packet whose contents form a major part of information (head) of TCP. Some firewalls will allow to process part of the packages do not contain information on the packet source address first, this will result in some type of system to crash. For example, the NT server will be a crash if the packets are broken up (fragmented packet) enough information to rewrite the first packet of a protocol

6. E-mail Exploits
Peng-exploitasian e-mails occurred in five forms namely: Floods mail, manipulation commands (command manipulation), the attack rate of transport (transport-level attack), enter the various codes (inserting malicious code) and social engineering (utilizing socialization physically). E-mail attack could cause the system to crash, open and execute even rewriting applications or files also make access to command functions (command function)

7. DNS and BIND Vulnerabilities
Recent news about the vulnerability (vulnerabilities) on the application Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) in various versions illustrate the fragility of the Domain Name System (DNS), which is a crisis that is directed at the basic operation of the Internet (Internet basic operation)