
Saturday, October 8, 2011

7 Steps to Increase the authority

When hearing the word "authoritative", what's on your mind? Words That Will inevitably have a professional, hardworking, intelligent, admired, and at the top position. The word "authoritative" usually refers to someone Who is Important, that all actions and his words are Considered Important in the office. But real people do not always have to be Considered authoritative boss. You are still classified as regular employees can increase of the prestige by following these 7 Things. Here are 7 Steps to Improve authority, namely:

1. Professional dress
Although attached to the term "Do not judge someone just from outward Appearances alone," in terms of professional world does not apply. Appearances count in the assessment. There are Several levels of expectation Pls one sees the appearance of others in the workplace. Certainly We have high expectations of the appearance of an executive. Dress as an executive if you want to be perceived as Them.

2. Choose the Best Hair Order
Frances Cole Jones, author of The Wow Factor: The 33 Things You Must (and Must Not) Do to Guarantee Your Edge in Today's Business World, suggested That the cleansing of the hair. "That covers the face Hair Will always make you look younger and less Influential," said Jones. For women, hair pieces bangs avoided Should Be Because it will from the make your face Childish and immature. While men are advised not to lengthen the hair and neatly arrange Them.

3. Noting Meeting Results
"Keep track of all Important content in a meeting is the fastest way to create friendships with the senior staff," notes Jones. "It helps Them Pls feel relaxed meeting Because you physically see the notes and (possibly) Understand the key points raised."

4. Not Speaking recklessly
One executive spoke with an effective, well targeted, and not long-winded. Keep in mind, too much talking, bebelit-Hogging, and talkative is a disease in the which communication Should be avoided.

5. Objects Taunts Do not Be In Office
It's hard to deny, in an environment there must be a material object of mockery and a joke. But keep in mind, an object of derision would have been someone WHO valued his friends Had plenty of flaws, less authoritative, and not respected.

6. Do not disclose Personal Problems
Is credit card payment is due? Recently broke up with boyfriend? Trouble with your friends? Do not take these problems in the chat in the office.

7. Not Workspace Bedrooms
How busy your work, how long the duration of your work, always keep your desk or work space to always neat. Desk and workspace clutter reflects the personality of the lazy, relaxed, and not professional.