
Saturday, October 8, 2011

7 Types of Prehistory The Most Famous Cat

1. Smilodon

Smilodon is one of the most famous Prehistoric predators, and also one of the most formidable. At least three species live in North and South America; the smallest species, Smilodon gracilis, the size of the modern jaguar, while the lion of Smilodon fatalis. However, the species Smilodon Populator weighs 300 kg (661 赠) and an average of up to 500 kg (赠 1102) as an adult! Smilodon was not so agile as modern cats, but he is very strong, with strong legs are also thick neck, and ESPECIALLY the long nails to grip Their prey. its fangs can reach 30 cm (12 ") in length, and perfect for Causing a fatal injury to ground squirrels, large animals, even the mammoths!

2. Pleistocene tiger

Pleistocene tiger is an "early version" of the tiger are the same We see today. Tigers evolved somewhere in Asia about 2 million years ago, specifically to prey on a variety of large herbivores That live on the continent at the time. The tiger is the largest paint today, with great Bengal and Siberian males Weighing up to 300 kg (赠 661) or more. However, During the Pleistocene era, a Greater food supply, so the tiger is larger Itself, Weighing 490 kg (1080 赠)

3. American lion 

Or the American lion Panthera Atrox, Perhaps the best known of all the cat Smilodon Prehistoric. He lived in North and South America (from Alaska to Peru) During the Pleistocene era, and Became Extinct 11.000 years ago, the American lion is the largest cat in North America During the Ice Age, Weighing up to 470 (赠 1036), Perhaps even 500 kg (1102 赠), and capable of a very large animal prey.

4. Kabir Machairodus 

Machairodus, may seem like a giant with a Sabertooth Tiger, although it is impossible to know whether the skin is striped, speckled or other types of fur sign. Machairodus rarely Mentioned as a giant cat, but the fossils found in Chad, Africa, (and classified as new species, Machairodus kabir), Indicating That this creature is one of the largest paint and weighs 490 kg (赠 1080) or 500 kg Perhaps (赠 1102).

5. Homotheirum

Also known as "paint the sword", Homotherium is one of the most Successful paint in Prehistoric times, are found in North America and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. He was a good hunter, WHO Quickly adapted to the foot running and is active Mainly During the day (thus avoiding competition with other nocturnal predators). Very Long Hind legs and forelegs are shorter, the which Gives the appearance of a bit like a hyena. Although not famous for its Homotherium size, but some fossil Remains of a paint sword recently discovered in the North Sea shows That They can weigh 400 kg (882 赠), is Greater Than the modern Siberian tigers.

6. Cave Lion 

Lions Cave is a giant lion subspecies, Weighing up to 300 kg (赠 661) or more. This is one of the most dangerous and powerful predators During the last Ice Age in Europe, and there is evidence That he feared, and may be worshiped by the Prehistoric man. Many cave paintings and some sculptures have been found depicting the Lion Caves. Interestingly, this shows That it almost does not possess the lion's neck fur, Such as the modern tiger. This is confusing, some cave paintings also show the Lion Caves have faint stripes on the legs and tail. This has led some Scientists suggest the Lions That Might Actually Cave is more related to Tiger.

7. European Jaguar

Unlike the Giant Jaguar, jaguar Panthera gombaszoegensis Europe or not originating from the same species as modern jaguar. Jaguar Europe is a big predators, Weighing up to 210 kg (463 赠) or more, and Probably at the top of the food chain in Europe, 1.5 million years ago. Fossil Remains have been found in Germany, France, Britain, Spain and the Netherlands.