
Friday, October 7, 2011

7 Facts About Suicide

1. In America, the guy who committed suicide four times more than girls. Even 78 percent of suicides in the country, Uncle Sam is a guy.

2. But, based on similar studies in America, girls are still the most frequent suicide attempts than boys. Usually by scratching his own hands.

3. The study also notes that, in America, committed suicide in the most widely used is to shoot (for boys), and drinking poison (for girls).

4. While data on suicide in the world prove that the "favorite" for suicide is itself suspended.

5. Suicide rates in developed countries is much higher than poor countries and developing countries.

6. People who are already marrying less often to commit suicide than people who are single, divorced or widows / widowers.

7. Ancient times, people are more "creative" in finding ways to commit suicide, such as by swallowing poisonous spiders, the hot iron thrust down his throat, injected into the veins of peanut butter, and threw himself on the stack beer bottles.