
Friday, October 7, 2011

7 unique facts about Harry Potter

Film and the original version of Harry Potter has touched the lives of so many people in the world, the two young children, adolescents and adults. From 10 years up to today is the influence is still strong. The seventh novel tells the story of the experience of young wizard Harry Potter with his companions, the mortal enemy of the wicked witch, life at Hogwarts boarding school, seemed to be real in the minds of his fans. Fans have even sometimes regard them as real as the characters. Here are 7 unique facts about Harry Potter, namely:

1. Tom Felton fans want to adopt
This occurs when Felton visit to the United States, where there is a fan who wanted to become his official guardian for her minor. They were invited to stay at home, which is named after, Manor (guess!) Malfoy!

2. Owl therefore rare because of Harry Potter
The more people who emulate the life of the witches in novels and filmHARRY POTTER, whose habits keep owl. For this reason, wild species of owls is threatened by many people after him.

3. Emma Watson Photographs cite this as an object satisfying Pedophilia
This is done by a loner who finally captured the authorities. Photo of Emma's head altered by Fotoshop, and paired with another body, while the head to the body aggressor pair of Harry Potter to be "merged" with Emma. The offender eventually released because it turned out not to spread the photos are only used for personal interests.

4. Meet the fans Bizarre
Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe had the most bizarre fan with a fanatical fan of Japan. Due to the limitations of language, the fans and then touch Grint (after allowed) and the smell of the finger that had touched the actor is Ron Weasley. The fans also made with a handshake Radcliffesalting really long time (probably longer). Radcliffepun can only repeat: "What do you say?"

5. Harry Potter cite this as a porn scene
Several sites on the Internet must escort the browser for the pictures, videos, or the pornographic story using the characters of Harry Potter as a hot scene between Draco and Harry, Draco and Ron, Harry and George, Remus and Kingsley, and many more!

6. Harvard student Emma Watson, followed
Emma, ​​who is now at Harvard, had experienced the terrifying incident when a group of people to stalk and intimidate Twitter with the words as if they followed him everywhere.

7. A piercing other fans fans Queuing When the event Comic Con
Disputes caused by jealousy because one of the fans are so easily get a seat that has been "saved" for him, while others had to wait more than eight hours. Fans who do not receive it, and piqued a pen in the eyes of other fans! Ouch!