
Friday, October 7, 2011

7 Type Views From the Model Human hair

1. Hair Bald Balding Or Intentionally Created
Shows a man sexy and happy about things that are practical. They can generally be trusted because they are not straightforward. If it happens to a woman means the woman is in a state of depression or want to get more attention from people around him.

2. Straight Hair
Shows a person who has a free, always follow the wishes of his own, strong personality, do not like compromise, and tends proud of yourself. In choosing a spouse usually they will be very picky and would prefer not to disturb their partner pleasure himself to please yourself.

3. As Baby Fine Thin Hair
Showed a productive person in the spawn creative ideas. But if it gets a bit difficult challenges they will quickly despair and live in his own imagination.

4. The hair is always neat and well ordered
Shows the efficient and responsible. They are good friends confide in because it is full of positive thoughts. Unfortunately they are a little conservative.

5. Her bangs hair strokes Fall Into The Future
Show a rational person. But unfortunately they are easily swept away in the association so it must be careful in choosing friends that are not carried over into a false path.

6. The hair Sisirannya Go Back
Showed a stubborn person, especially to the royal family, like to complain if things do not go according to his wishes and will be the main provocateur in everything that is not his favorite.

7. Rarely Grow Hair On The Forehead
Shows people who like selfish self-interest. And they have a calculation about the pros and cons of what they have done.