Thursday, October 13, 2011

7 Benefits of Ash Cigarettes

1. Exfoliating ingredients Gold If you have jewelry of gold began to reddish color. If you want a beautiful color and shine again, try using cigarette ash. How, to prepare jewelry, cigarette ashes and wipe clean. Then put cigarette ashes in jewelry and rub-rub with a clean cloth. Undoubtedly the gold jewelry will be returned to its original color. 2. Kitchen Cleaning Tools Clean kitchen utensils. Pans, pots, spoons, plates, cups, kettle, pots and the like can be cleaned with ash. Mix ash kitchen with soap, salt, and lemon skin. Then, rub with a mixture of kitchen appliances so that they will be clean and shiny 3. Furniture cleaning Cleaning the furniture. Rub the polished furniture, such as: tables, chairs or cabinets are exposed to hot...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

7 Ways to Stop Smoking Habits

1. Know Reasons to Stop Smoking If you want to quit smoking, you should know why. Is it because of the adverse effects brought on by smoking, want to look younger or because they want to protect your family from secondhand smoke. Choose a very strong reason to beat the temptation to smoke. 2. Do not underestimate Might sound easy to quit smoking. You just need membuag all cigarettes purchased and did not resist the urge to buy it back. Unfortunately not as easy to stop this habit of thought. As many as 95 percent of people who try to stop without treatment or medication, ended up smoking again. The reason is caused by nicotine dependence. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and need it every time. 3. Do Nicotine Therapy When you...

7 Amazing Optical Illusions

Optical illusion is an illusion that occurs due to the human eye catching errors. There is conventional wisdom that there are physiological illusions and there are cognitive illusions. Physiological illusions Physiological illusions, such as the afterimages that occur on or impression of the image that occurred after seeing a very bright light or seeing a specific image pattern in a long time. This allegedly is the effect that occurs in the eye or the brain after a specific stimulus to excess. Cognitive illusions Cognitive illusions are assumed to occur because the notion of something outside the mind. In general, cognitive illusion divided into ambiguous illusions, distorting illusions, paradox illusions and fictional illusion. In...

7 Facts Mobile Android

Android is a touchscreen smartphone operating systems such as IOS iPhone and the BlackBerry OS. Google's Android was developed and first appeared in 2007 with its first mobile phone G1 T-Mobile. Here are 7 facts Mobile Android, namely: 1. What's so special about Android? Unlike Apple's OS, Research In Motion (RIM) or Microsoft Windows Mobile, Google released Android as an open-source OS under the auspices of the Open Handset Alliance. The other thing is the Android OS is very good, fast and strong and has an intuitive user interface that is packed with options and flexibility. Google continues to develop it. 2. Is Android phone called "Droids"? No. "Droid" is a brand owned by Verizon Wireless phones Android (X Droid, Droid Eris, Droid...

7 ruins of the most beautiful on earth

The ruins of the building is no longer a place of gathering of ghosts in the spooky Legends. Often the ruins are now left as They are to retain the beauty That exists and eventually become a beautiful tourist attraction. The ruins are there Often is a testament to the splendor of the nation's history, built the original WHO That places exist. From the ruins, historical facts Often We can find from a variety of goods That you can still find there. Here are 7 ruins Beautiful On Earth, namely: 1. Machu Picchu (Peru) The most famous ruins of all the Inca ruins. Machu Picchu seem to be in the between two mountain peaks and is Often shrouded in fog. The ruins are not visible from the Urubamba Valley below, this place was built by the Incas at...

Monday, October 10, 2011

7 Keep On The Computer Virus Beware

1. Storm Worm Appears taon 2006, called "Storm Worm" because spreads via email with the headline "230 dead as storm batters Europe". Storm worm is a Trojan program house. some versions can make computers become bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails through the internet. 2. Leap-A/Oompa- A Mac that had a concept of security through obscurity sure would not have a virus because of its OS closed system. But in 2006, Leap-A virus or so-called Oompa-A emerged. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. Having a Mac attack, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message that contains a form of corrupt JPEG files. It is not dangerous, but it is still possible that there will be a dangerous virus that...

7 The risk of severe Continuous Use of Mobile Phone

It is undeniable that the mobile phone (cell phone) has a lot of convenience in presenting a variety of human life. Although much debated, many people worried about the negative impact of radiation emitted. The largest studies ever conducted about the dangers of mobile phones has denied any risk of brain cancer in penggguna phones. Research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates the risk is too great not to worry about. However, recent research in India reiterated the threat of cancer, especially in children and adolescents. The researchers, Prof Girish Kumar said even the danger of radiation around the tower there is also a Base Transceiver Station (BTS). "The base stations can transmit power 50-100W. Countries that have...

7 Secrets of The Genius In The World

If you think a genius is innate and has an IQ well above average, you are wrong. they only managed to use his brain more than the ability of ordinary people. Virtually all people can develop their thinking skills such as the brain, and it only takes WILL WORK HARD. Bill Gates, the Microsoft company owner is also the first among the geniuses say that 99% who created the genius is HARD WORK. Genius here is not someone who has an IQ well above average, but the genius here is the Expert or experts in their fields. For those of genius, there are only 3 key to their genius, we too can become part of them, with the key and HARD WORK WILL. Once you know things about the genius and knows how to raise it, now is the time to know what things that could...

7 Mysteries Strange Behavior Our Bodies Everyday

Have you ever noticed, when looking at the finger for a long time, will turn like an alien finger? It is normal you see turn into things that look very strange. The same applies to the behavior. For example, when there is something funny, people laugh. Selaini tu man spent a third day in a condition known as dead or asleep. Ponder these behaviors, you will find it very strange. Here are 7 Mysteries Strange Behavior Our Bodies Everyday, namely: 1. Cry Grief can make tears fall. Among all creatures, only man who can weep with emotion. Not only useful to communicate feelings, scientists believe there is an unwanted hormones in tears and other proteins produced during stress masses. This kind of effect is called 'good cry'. 2. Hiccup Hiccups...

ESPN Reporter 7 Most Beautiful And Sexy

World of sports not only dominated the men, in any field of coverage, the role of women is not important. Here are 7 female TV reporter's most famous sports in the world of the most popular ESPN viewers. Here's ESPN Reporter 7 Most Beautiful And Sexy, namely: 1. Jaime Little 2. Alex Flanagan 3. Bonnie Bernstein 4. Laura Lane 5. Heidi Watney 6. Erin Andrews 7. Rachel Nichol...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

7 Ways To Have a Good Posture

Everyone would like to always look younger. Therefore, most people are vying to make every effort to always look young. In fact, various surgical procedures were undertaken in order to appear younger. However, if anyone ever thought that could stand upright in old age is also important? Imagine if the skin is still tight, but the body is bent? Obviously we will look old with the body bent. Good posture will make someone look more younger dibandikan a face lift or Botox. Face lift is a plastic surgery to remove facial wrinkles, sagging skin, fat deposits, or seen other signs of aging for cosmetic purposes. Good posture can also have the benefit of maintaining bone health. Although the bent posture may occur naturally with age. But we can prevent...

7 Kinds Lingerie Makes Women More Sexy

Maybe some women think of lingerie looks too excessive. Actually, maybe they just do not feel confident with their body shape. In fact, in fact, lingerie has the magic that can make the wearer look more seductive and sexy in front of their partners. Sometimes, this is in the appropriate clothing for various conditions. Go figure it is quite popular and easy to find in the lingerie shop your subscription. Here are 7 kind of Lingerie That Makes Women More Sexy, namely: 1. Frame Fixer The women with body shape is called an hourglass shape to wear it under their shirt-dress in this hold and provide a large or small breasts. Material nylon / spandex underwear will be strictly adhered to in every part of your body until your hips start chest....

7 Forbidden Places To Put Mobile

Era, as now, cell phones are the must-have every person, ESPECIALLY a hobby with gadgets and technology. Now for my friend WHO owned a cell phone, take a look at this article perhatiin, coz this phone can not be put in place haphazardly. Here are seven Forbidden Places To Put Mobile, namely: 1. Do not Put In a Pocket For the men WHO are happy to put the phone in his trouser pocket, you Should think about re-dech .. The reason, the phone produces electrostatic & electromagnetic fields That exposure resulted in infertility (infertility) download. 2. Do not Put Together Electronics Do not use the phone Pls a weak signal close to the high-precision electronic goods. Electronic goods electronically Issued on high terrain That is, TV,...

7 World Festival Unique And Most Memorable

Events prior to the wedding, or so-called bachelor party has now become a reason for some people menyelnggarakan party unique, strange and excited, but there are more Important in the event. In the days of Spartan's an opportunity for the Bride and Groom declare allegiance to his Comrades. In the 1800s it was an opportunity to have one last show with his friends That will not be invited at the wedding reception wedding. But in the 21st century, people - people Trying to Make a party as unique as possible or it Could be said to be odd, so more can be Remembered That after so many - years. And more and more Difficult to make-the concept of a party and a memorable event, therefore here is a list of seven festivals Should you see even just once...

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