Saturday, October 8, 2011

7 Steps to Increase the authority

When hearing the word "authoritative", what's on your mind? Words That Will inevitably have a professional, hardworking, intelligent, admired, and at the top position. The word "authoritative" usually refers to someone Who is Important, that all actions and his words are Considered Important in the office. But real people do not always have to be Considered authoritative boss. You are still classified as regular employees can increase of the prestige by following these 7 Things. Here are 7 Steps to Improve authority, namely: 1. Professional dress Although attached to the term "Do not judge someone just from outward Appearances alone," in terms of professional world does not apply. Appearances count in the assessment. There are Several levels...

7 Myths About Baby And Toddler Care

Talk about caring for babies from the past until now are endless. Each of us talked about caring for babies is always there-there are new We Hear, Both in terms of medicine or just a myth. Tips and Myths Often We receive from relatives, neighbors, parents, grandmother and grandfather. The following are bebarapa Myths That many in the community, so We know right from wrong, so We have guidelines in caring for babies. Here are 7 Myths About Baby And Toddler Care, namely: 1. Must Hand And Foot And Hand Kaos Closed With Socks It's good if used as the cold or avoid the injured baby from a nearby object. If not with Both of these objectives baby Should not fitted with gloves and socks. Gloves and socks on the baby may Hinder the development of...

7 Types of Prehistory The Most Famous Cat

1. Smilodon Smilodon is one of the most famous Prehistoric predators, and also one of the most formidable. At least three species live in North and South America; the smallest species, Smilodon gracilis, the size of the modern jaguar, while the lion of Smilodon fatalis. However, the species Smilodon Populator weighs 300 kg (661 赠) and an average of up to 500 kg (赠 1102) as an adult! Smilodon was not so agile as modern cats, but he is very strong, with strong legs are also thick neck, and ESPECIALLY the long nails to grip Their prey. its fangs can reach 30 cm (12 ") in length, and perfect for Causing a fatal injury to ground squirrels, large animals, even the mammoths! 2. Pleistocene tiger Pleistocene tiger is an "early version" of the...

7 Design Steps Unique And Creative

1. Minimal a.k.a Flat Floating Staircase Steel Stair A unique design made ​​in steps Ecole for an apartment in Paris. 2. Steel Stairs Using steel as the basic structure so it looks bright, minimalist, but still Sturdy. 3. Staircase Bookshelf A spiral staircase surrounded by bookshelves That can hold 6000 books. This design was designed by the architect of the Portuguese, namely Manuel Gomes Maia. 4. modern Staircase Stairs without handrails, the Italian design manufacturer Cast. 5. Ceiling Staircas The design of stairs in a creative, results of Roche's work in France. 6. Retractable Stairs A retractable stairs are designed for easy access to the Attic. 7. spiral Staircase Spiral staircase of wood carved by Patrick Jou...

7 Most Dangerous Sea Animals

Human Should one not claim to be the supreme Beings in all the land face of the earth. But what about life under the sea? Masihkah Overcome and people can be free from danger? If any man can conquer it, Human Beings still have to be alert Because of the danger is always lurking. Here is a partial list of dangerous underwater creatures Often the which version LiveScience become a threat to other water creatures. And of course, dangerous threat to Humans. 1. Sea Eel Strong bite of sharp teeth of marine eels may result in serious injury are susceptible to bacterial infections of the mouth of these primitive animals. Eels are Often hiding in crevices and holes of coral in the day and hunt for food at night. Marine experts advise divers to keep...

7 Amazing Concept Buildings Built Failing

The concepts of this building is a little strange but it has its own uniqueness. But the concept of this building failed to be realized. Here's 7 Amazing Concept Buildings Built Failing, namely: 1. Hotel Attraction Designed In the Year 1908 In New York City Hotel Attraction wants to be the tallest building in New York at the time. Designed by Antoni Gaudi, tinggilnya is 360 meters, and it seems very unlikely at that time. Few facts are known about this project until the year 1956, a book titled "The New World Called Gaudi" was published. It is unclear why the project was terminated. 2. Illinois Designed By The Year 1956 In Chicago Illinois The Illinois was going to be a 1609-meter-high skyscraper is envisioned by Frank Lloyd Wright....

7 Things That Can Make Baby Smile

Some babies are already basically very friendly and happy smile. But, some need a bit of "temptation" to make her smile. Here are 7 Things That Can Make Baby Smile, namely: 1. Hide and seek This is the most preferred action baby. Use a favorite blanket to hide your face, then Startle he appears suddenly, or just use your hands. Mild surprise will make her smile if not out loud. 2. Belly Blow Babies are very like the touch. Wind blowing with your mouth stick will cause the sounds and feel tingling in his skin. Do it at the abdomen, hands, or feet. Soon, he will try to follow the sounds you make with his own mouth. 3. Pretend Eating her fingers and toes Babies love when parents pretend to suck his fingers, even children aged 2 years...

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