Monday, October 10, 2011

7 Keep On The Computer Virus Beware

1. Storm Worm Appears taon 2006, called "Storm Worm" because spreads via email with the headline "230 dead as storm batters Europe". Storm worm is a Trojan program house. some versions can make computers become bots. Or commonly used hackers to spam mails through the internet. 2. Leap-A/Oompa- A Mac that had a concept of security through obscurity sure would not have a virus because of its OS closed system. But in 2006, Leap-A virus or so-called Oompa-A emerged. Spreads via iChat on the Mac. Having a Mac attack, the virus will search for contacts via iChat and send messages to each contact. The message that contains a form of corrupt JPEG files. It is not dangerous, but it is still possible that there will be a dangerous virus that...

7 The risk of severe Continuous Use of Mobile Phone

It is undeniable that the mobile phone (cell phone) has a lot of convenience in presenting a variety of human life. Although much debated, many people worried about the negative impact of radiation emitted. The largest studies ever conducted about the dangers of mobile phones has denied any risk of brain cancer in penggguna phones. Research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates the risk is too great not to worry about. However, recent research in India reiterated the threat of cancer, especially in children and adolescents. The researchers, Prof Girish Kumar said even the danger of radiation around the tower there is also a Base Transceiver Station (BTS). "The base stations can transmit power 50-100W. Countries that have...

7 Secrets of The Genius In The World

If you think a genius is innate and has an IQ well above average, you are wrong. they only managed to use his brain more than the ability of ordinary people. Virtually all people can develop their thinking skills such as the brain, and it only takes WILL WORK HARD. Bill Gates, the Microsoft company owner is also the first among the geniuses say that 99% who created the genius is HARD WORK. Genius here is not someone who has an IQ well above average, but the genius here is the Expert or experts in their fields. For those of genius, there are only 3 key to their genius, we too can become part of them, with the key and HARD WORK WILL. Once you know things about the genius and knows how to raise it, now is the time to know what things that could...

7 Mysteries Strange Behavior Our Bodies Everyday

Have you ever noticed, when looking at the finger for a long time, will turn like an alien finger? It is normal you see turn into things that look very strange. The same applies to the behavior. For example, when there is something funny, people laugh. Selaini tu man spent a third day in a condition known as dead or asleep. Ponder these behaviors, you will find it very strange. Here are 7 Mysteries Strange Behavior Our Bodies Everyday, namely: 1. Cry Grief can make tears fall. Among all creatures, only man who can weep with emotion. Not only useful to communicate feelings, scientists believe there is an unwanted hormones in tears and other proteins produced during stress masses. This kind of effect is called 'good cry'. 2. Hiccup Hiccups...

ESPN Reporter 7 Most Beautiful And Sexy

World of sports not only dominated the men, in any field of coverage, the role of women is not important. Here are 7 female TV reporter's most famous sports in the world of the most popular ESPN viewers. Here's ESPN Reporter 7 Most Beautiful And Sexy, namely: 1. Jaime Little 2. Alex Flanagan 3. Bonnie Bernstein 4. Laura Lane 5. Heidi Watney 6. Erin Andrews 7. Rachel Nichol...

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