Friday, September 23, 2011

7 Weapons Fiction What's In the Real World

1. XM-25 Grenade Launcher

This weapon is equipped with a laser scanner and computer on-board. Loaded by four 25mm shells projektil, supplemented the program, so projektil will explode when it hits the enemy. With this program, soldiers can about the enemy who were sheltering.

2. The Maars System Robot

This robot can be equipped with 4 pieces of the grenade launcher and machine guns automatic 7.62 caliber bullet. Three units of the robot is sent to Iraq, but never fired the first bullets were worried by the security because that could hurt his own friends.

3. The Active Denial System

This weapon can fire a beam of millimeter-wave radiation that can cause feelings of burning of the affected skin. But when it rains, the water will disperse the light they will be, so the skin became warm, so it is not creepy.

4. Long Range Acoustic Device

This weapon is issued a special sound waves that can be heard up to 300 m. When the power is increased then, the sound generated can make people shut his ears and away. This tool is used when the G-20 to repel the demonstrators.

5. drones

Drones, or unmanned aircraft are often used during the Iraq war, and greatly feared by the Taliban & Al Qaeda. Predators (type drones) can be equipped with two missiles hellfires, and his brother can be equipped Reapers 4 hellfire missiles and two 500 pound bombs.

6. Flash Bang Grenades

This weapon is definitely dah often tough for the once agan maenin ato Counter Strike Point Blank.

7. Taser Shockwave Barrier

By pressing the red button then this gun will shoot 24 pieces of electrical probes at the same time in the same direction.

7 Ways to Make More Brain Child Genius

Every parent expects their children always astute, clever and wise than other children. Experts say, though the wisdom of a child is closely related to genetic defects, but a lot of scientific research shows that coaching after birth is also a very important factor that should not be overlooked. Here's 7 Ways to Make More Brain Child Genius, namely:

1. Learning Music

This is a great way to enhance right-brain learning to relax and ease. According to the University of Toronto study, music lessons can improve the intelligence quotient and school achievement of a child. Even the longer studied, the results are increasingly apparent.

2. Give Drink Mother's Milk

Many scientific studies show that breast milk (breast milk) in addition to providing a wide range of nutrients, may also boost immunity and infant intelligence. A baby who ate milk for nine months significantly more intelligent than a baby who only consume milk for a month.

3. Improve Health

The team of researchers from the University of Illinois has proved the relationship between health and learning of children in school. Research from Oppenheimer Funds in fact show that exercise in groups not only increases self-confidence, build a spirit of togetherness, it can even lead nurture skills. Eighty-one percent of the directress at a very young company, all of them have joined in an organization's activities.

4. Game

Indeed there are many games that can make the players become brutal, eccentric, or lazy thinking. But also there are a number of games that can increase bersosial spirit, creativity and inspiration, and some even can train children to think wisely and to train the ability to make plans. Research at the University of Rochester also found that children who play games more capable of finding a sense of visual clues in learning.

5. Refuse Junk Food

Reduce the high sugared foods, abstain various high fat foods and other junk food. Instead, many are highly nutritious eating healthy foods, this will enhance the intelligence and motor development of children, especially for infants who have not even two years, it is very important. For example, a child should eat some iron to help the growth of the brain. If it is less in number, delivery of nerve impulses will be weakened.

6. Nurturing Curiosity

The experts reveal, when parents encourage children to have their own thoughts, actually is was to direct them on the importance of knowledge demands. Great attention to the interests of children, to introduce and teach new skills to them at every opportunity to educate outside of the house, all this is a great way to foster child's yearning for knowledge demands.

7. Read

In line with technological advances, many people ignore the importance of reading. Reading is a way of increasing one's intelligence quotient is the most direct and effective. Reading to children, become a member of the library and reading books all add to the collection is a good way to nurture a child's reading interests.

7 fairy tale that exist in the real world

Did you ever want to go to a fairy tale? Ngiri with the lives of the Hobbit or Harry Potter?Or were amazed with the features of the desert country in Star Wars? These places will make you confused whether you've just stepped into the land of magic and fantasy. With an unusual nature, landscape and architecture that is not real fairy tale. Here are seven tales Affairs What's In the Real World, namely:

1. Colmar, France

AntunesDaerah Colmar in France has been declared the most beautiful cities in Europe, as if coming out of a fairy tale. Small town in the Alsace is famous not only because the architecture of the colorful old city. Colmar, located in the path of Wine (wine) Alsatian, referred to as "Alsatian Wine Center". This city has a warm climate and the second driest city in France of course is ideal for wine growing town. As if the Wine Capital is not enough as it is called, Colmar, with buildings, gardens, fountains and canals it is called as "Little Venice" (La Petite Venise). The city is also the birthplace of Frédéric Bartholdi who merupakain designer of the famous Statue of Liberty in New York is also the city of painter Martin Schongauer.

2. Faroe Island

no one will blame agan agan thought of when I first saw that this island was inhabited by the Hobits and Elves from "The Lord Of The Rings". The island is located between Iceland and Norway, in the midst of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic Ocean.Consisting of 18 islands, the Faroe Island really is a house of beautiful and dramatic scenery of the Volcanic peaks and ocean waves hitting the coastline is rocky. The island is really quite magical and mysterious with a landscape that makes us drifted farther into the realm of fantasy than the real world.

3. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Then agan think that this is the Palace of Disneyland, Agan super wrong though can not blame ane ane because this looks like a palace inhabited by the Daughters of the beautiful golden-haired. Neuschwanstein Castle in reality is this more apparent than Agan think. Constructed on a hill in the 19th century to Ludwig II, but the contents of the castle is very revolutionary at the time: this building has water flowing continuously with automatic flushing toilets on every floor and heating system (which in those days was really very LUXURY , Gan). Today, Neuschwanstein is located at the main stop romantic trip, along with the history of Bavarian towns and castles, the legendary castle.

4. Cappadocia, Turkey

If indeed there is a tale about the magical land of clay-based, and definitely the place came from Cappadocia. This famous area terlenak in the middle of Turkey and famous for craft pots and unique rock formations where ancient people carved their homes and churches in the stones. The area is also famous for strange rock formations called "Fairy Chimney" can be found in various forms such as Cone, mushroom, stone columns and lancpi. Clay and ceramic traditions in Turkey is the oldest craft in the world which originated from the 8th century.

5. Hoi An, Vietnam

If you've ever been to Vietnam, ane ga Agan will miss the sense of Hoi An. The little town is very colorful, magical and wonderful it is more like a home for silk lanterns.Located in the South China Sea coast, the city is at once an important port and trading center. Today, many travelers and backpacker to find a fairy tale in this town and could not tear himself from his charm. The atmosphere of Hoi An is a picturesque gabunganyang friendliness of its citizens and its architecture is like a fairy tale out of the country, and do not be surprised if the city became one of the most coveted destinations in Southeast Asia.

6. Greenland

Untouched, remote and difficult to reach, Greenland is a wilderness where many roads are not yet available, unspoiled scenery and of course create a gaping agan. In the absence of trees, as well as roads and almost no people, this island certainly makes agan think more filled by a Dwarf than humans. Despite the cold, Greenland is a place that is not forgotten with a magical auroranya and the houses are colorful.

7. Venice, Italy

Venice is very difficult to surpass. Architecture that makes us yawn, the canals are unique as well as a mixture of fantastic scenery and incredible atmosphere is something that is not owned by any place. Venice such as imported from another dimension though the New York Times describing it as "Undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man." Located along the 117 small islands, Venice has 455 bridges, hundreds of romantic canals where gondoliers paddling their boats through the city. Of course this is the home of the famous Karnival Venice, Venice Biennale and the Venice Film Festival. How gan? Get ready to bring his candidate here, immediately accepted his proposal ane guarantee.

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